Salmon stands out as a culinary favorite due to its rich flavor and flexible cooking options, capturing the hearts of seafood aficionados worldwide. This guide is designed for both the culinary novice and the passionate foodie, aiming to enhance your skills in managing and crafting exquisite salmon dishes. We'll dive into the critical aspects of assessing salmon quality, mastering skin removal, ensuring optimal freshness post-cooking, adopting straightforward yet effective cooking methods, and selecting the ultimate knives for precision slicing.

How to tell if salmon is good

The key to a delightful salmon dish starts with its freshness. Here are essential indicators to ascertain the quality of your salmon:

Odor: Fresh salmon should exude a subtle, clean smell reminiscent of the sea. An overpowering fishy scent or ammonia-like aroma suggests spoilage.

Texture: Look for salmon with resilient, bouncy flesh. Spoilage is often indicated by a slimy or mushy texture.

Appearance: Fresh salmon should boast a bright, pinkish hue. Watch out for any discoloration or fading, which may signal that the salmon is no longer fresh.

How to remove skin from salmon

For those preferring skinless salmon, here's a foolproof method to remove the skin smoothly: 

Secure the salmon, skin-side down, on a stable surface.

Grasp the tail end and introduce a sharp knife just beneath the skin at the opposite end, ensuring it's angled slightly downward.

Employ a controlled sawing motion to separate the skin from the flesh, maintaining a tight grip on the skin for a clean removal.

remove skin of salmon

How long is cooked salmon good for?

Storing cooked salmon in the fridge allows you to enjoy its flavors safely for up to three days. To ensure the salmon retains its quality and remains safe for consumption, here are some key practices to follow:

  • Cooling and Packaging: Before placing the cooked salmon in the refrigerator, let it cool down to room temperature. Once cooled, transfer it to an airtight container or securely wrap it in cling film or aluminum foil. This step is crucial to avoid bacterial growth and maintain the salmon's freshness.
  • Timely Refrigeration: It's important to refrigerate the cooked salmon promptly, ideally within two hours after it's been cooked. This quick action helps to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria that can lead to foodborne illnesses.
  • Optimal Storage Duration: Cooked salmon, when stored properly, is best consumed within three days. Keeping it beyond this period increases the risk of spoilage and potential foodborne diseases, so it's wise to enjoy or discard the salmon within this timeframe.
  • Safe Reheating: When you're ready to enjoy your leftover salmon, make sure to reheat it thoroughly. Whether you're using an oven, microwave, or stovetop, the goal is to heat the salmon until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to eliminate any bacteria that may have developed during storage.

storing cooked salmon

While these guidelines provide a general framework for safe storage and consumption, always trust your senses. If the salmon exhibits any signs of spoilage, such as an off smell, unusual texture, or altered taste, it's safer to err on the side of caution and discard it, even if it's been stored for less than three days.

Simple Salmon Cooking Methods

Salmon's versatility shines through various cooking techniques. Explore these methods for a sumptuous meal:
  • Oven-Baking: Season your salmon and bake it in a preheated oven, allowing for a multitude of flavor adaptations with different herbs and spices.
  • Pan-Searing: Achieve a delightful crust by searing salmon in a hot, oiled pan, ensuring the inside remains succulent.
  • Outdoor Grilling: Infuse your salmon with a distinctive smoky flavor by grilling it, perfect for those warm outdoor gatherings.

simple salmon making methods

How to Cook Salmon Steaks

Salmon steaks are exceptionally suited for grilling or pan-searing, providing a hearty meal with these steps:

Heat your cooking surface to a medium-high temperature.

Season the steaks to your liking and grill or sear for 4-6 minutes on each side, aiming for an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C) for optimal doneness.


Best Knives To Slice Salmon

Precision in slicing salmon is achievable with the appropriate knife. Here are the top contenders:
  • Slicing Knife: Ideal for thin, uniform slices, a slicing knife combines length and sharpness for precision cuts.
  • Santoku Knife: Known for its versatility, the Santoku knife features a granton edge to minimize sticking, making it excellent for slicing salmon.
santoku knives
  • Fillet Knife: For those dealing with whole salmon, a fillet knife's flexibility facilitates precise filleting and skin removal.
boning knives